Coordinated Design

Raising the Value of your Home Through Garage Organization

If you plan to sell a home, there is an often-overlooked part of the house you don’t want to forget about: the garage. Most of us probably have a garage that’s filled with holiday decorations, tools, bikes, a washer and dryer, and if we’re lucky, maybe room for a car. While this may be the reality of day-to-day living, it’s not how you want to present your home when putting it on the market. Here’s some tips to ensure that your garage is an asset that adds to the value and appeal of your home when selling.


The first thing you need to do to maximize the appeal of the garage is decluttering. Consider having a yard sale or donating any items that you don’t use anymore. Renting a storage unit is another option if the garage space has been primarily used for storage and you need to clear space without getting rid of anything.

For the things you do keep in the garage, make sure they’re organized and displayed nicely. Peg boards for tools, overhead storage racks, and bike racks are all good storage solutions for common garage items that can be easily stowed away without being unsightly. Even if you don’t park a car in the garage, it’s important that there’s room for one when showing a home.

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Flooring is one of the easiest ways to improve the look of a garage. If you have basic concrete flooring, you might consider upgrading to some affordable tiles or an epoxy floor covering. If you choose tiles, make sure you find something that will be easy to clean since leaks and spills can happen. If you currently have any oil stains on the garage floor, make sure to get them cleaned up before any showing or open house. If you plan to refinish the garage floor, any oil stains will need to be taken care of first


Giving the garage a fresh look and extra appeal doesn’t do much if it’s not well lit enough to be shown off. Many garages have a single overhead light that’s often dim or doesn’t reach all areas of the space. Sometimes one additional light source is all it takes to get rid of the “storage dungeon” feel that many garages have. If you’re going to feature the garage as an extension of the home, the light should reach all corners of the space.

The Door

While it’s easy to focus on the inside of the garage when selling a home, don’t forget about the garage door. Of course, it should be in good working order, but it should also be up to par with the paint and trim of the house from the outside. The garage door is often a prominent piece of the curb facing side of the house and you don’t want it to look shoddy in comparison to the rest of the property.

This post was contributed by Sam Bird-Robinson, a real estate agent based out of Santa Cruz, California. Want to know more about how to best market a home for sale in Santa Cruz? Click here to learn about the marketing strategies and approaches that will help you get the best price for your home.

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